
a little bit adventure, a little bit wisdom, a little bit whatever

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Boys of Summer

I would hope you have you heard the Don Henley song. It is perhaps one of the best music videos EVER.

Anyways, that's not what this post is about, but instead the line in the song: "after the boys of summer have gone". Summer is gone and school is back. Yes, I taught classes in most of August, so I didn't really have a break, but it still feels like a new beginning to me. Even if with not quite so much energy and excitement as usual.

The first week is always crazy, and this year was no exception. As I take on more and more responsibility for the Engineering Science program, it seems to get even more hectic. Somedays it is frustrating because it seems like my reward for volunteering is getting asked to do more work. But it is my choice, I guess, and so I have to live with it. And I can see the results in the students, so that is my reward.

The good thing about being on an annual schedule is that it forces you to re-assess and re-focus. It is easy to get into a rut. Life can wear on you and bring you down. And you just want to take a break from it all and hide. I admit I've done a lot of that this summer. But sometimes you need someone to give you a kick in the butt. Tell you to get out there, whether you want to or not.

Thanks 'Nique. I needed that. Adventure! Here I come.

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