
a little bit adventure, a little bit wisdom, a little bit whatever

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One-eyed monster

I was riding home tonight and really enjoying it. The following thought came to mind. It is about biking in part, but it is really more about a way of thinking:

I am Cyclops
My single eye shines bright
I do not shy away from the twists and turns of life
Instead, I push it to the edges but I never cross any lines
I bob and weave, finding my own path
Make way, I'm comin' through

I am Cyclops
I look over at those in their cages and I chuckle
I can see better than them with their two eyes
I see it, I hear it, I smell it, I feel it, I live it
I am uninsulated from the winds that blow and the bumps that throw me
And I wouldn't have it any other way

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